me hiking

Hi, this is Yanzhu, welcome to this virtual space I’ve created :)

I am a multidisciplinary artist living and working in Munich, Germany.

My current work primarily takes on abstract forms, expressed through cyanotype, sewing, printmaking, programming, and other methods, exploring themes that captivate me.

I began sewing at the age of five, influenced by my grandmother. This humble and tranquil craft has supported our daily lives with its modest practicality — whether it was quilting or mending clothes. On the other hand, it became my creative outlet after school, where I would let my imagination run wild, stitching new outfits for my dolls from scraps of fabric. Later, I had my own sewing machine, and while I continued making everyday garments for myself and those around me, I also began to use this familiar craft to explore more “useless” expressions. Sewing’s duality has always enriched my life.

From an early age, I discovered my fascination with mathematics, especially geometry. I’ve been mesmerized by countless elegant geometric theorems; I’ve been captivated by traditional Islamic geometric patterns. I find the beauty of mathematics to be timeless — it exists in a pure form that requires no medium or expression to exert its magnetic pull. Of course, people depict it, use it, and internalize its beauty of order in architecture, weaving, furniture, typography, and everything else. I can’t resist it either. I incorporate geometric and abstract elements into my cyanotypes, prints, paintings, and sewing projects. I recreate my childhood drawing toys through creative coding, and I build harmonograph, losing myself in the movement of pendulums and the patterns they draw…

As a self-taught artist, actively and freely carrying out explorations and experiments has become my norm. With this open mindset, whenever I encounter a theme or medium that fascinates me, I delve deeply into it. There’s something truly wonderful about this way of working, when I open myself up and dig inward, then discover my own unique perspective of the world through the prism of art. Therefore, to me, art is the product of a person expressing themselves and connecting with the world in the most natural way. In this process, others can see how this person perceives the world; some may even resonate with it. Gradually, I’ve come to realize that art, for me, is a neutralizing force. It never amplifies joy, pain, anger, or frustration; instead, it can inject a counterbalance, allowing one to ultimately find peace — a kind of peace that may seem mundane but is the most powerful emotion in facing life.

I believe life is vast. I think there are countless paths leading to the end, and I want to embark on one that may seem less clear, even a bit precarious, but that could bring a deep sense of peace — even if only for a brief period in my life. But life itself is brief, isn’t it?