This piece is inspired by Freud’s concept of the ego, id, and superego.
To me, the superego is like a figure drawing lines — day after day, it traces straight lines, writes theorems, establishes rules.
The id is a devotee of desire and entropy. It hungers, it thirsts, its passions and urges demand fulfillment. It's filth and folly, disorder and chaos.
The superego and the id coexist, yet they seem forever at odds — trying to overstep, override, or overpower the other. The ego is the observer, the mediator, the one striving to keep the balance.
Through the mirror, I see the ego — myself, delicately adjusting the scales every passing second. I also see the superego and the id, tangled, mirroring each other’s presence. However fractured and twisted it may be, there is still space for light to enter, for air to flow through, embracing a person who is real, whole, both good and bad.